Looking for a trained nurse/attendant at home?

Nurse at home

Worried about your ageing parents back home?

    Nursing Services at home

    Benefits of Nursing Care at home

    • Faster healing

    • Reduce risk of infection

    • More economical

    Why senOcare

    • 24x7 Emergency support

    • Trained, verified and empathetic nurses & attendants

    • Doctor on call


    My mother had a knee surgery at the age of 74. At that time, I got to know about senocare from one of my friend. senOcare provided me with a dedicated, well-trained, knowledgeable, and empathetic nurse who really helped my mother.

    Sushmita Singh Manhattan, New York

    At the age of 70, my father got cancer. I was very worried until I found senOcare. senOcare single handedly took care of all my father’s needs

    Akash Yadav Pune, India

    Media Coverage

    Hindustan Times
    Her Story
    Zee 5
    The Week
    Business Standard

    Looking for a trusted team who can take care of your parents' day to day needs?

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